Houston Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney
If you’ve recently been involved in an car accident, construction accident or any other physical accidents, you may have sustained a TBI, or traumatic brain injury. Hiring an attorney who is familiar with the symptoms, treatment options and victim right’s surrounding traumatic brain injuries is critical to protect your rights and give you the best options for recovery.
Head injuries should always be taken seriously, as they have the potential to result in long-term symptoms, disabilities, in tragic cases, death. Regardless of what type of head or brain injury you suffered, you should always seek legal counsel with an experienced TBI attorney, such as Trey Barton.
Common Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury
Signs of a traumatic brain injury may not show up for days, sometimes even weeks, following an accident. Therefore, victims of a concussion or other TBI injuries may not realize they have suffered a potentially serious head injury. Because of this, lawyers and medical professionals alike, typically urge everyone to seek medical attention when they suffer any force directed towards the head.

Traumatic brain injuries are not always easy to identify. If someone suffers from even a mild brain injury, it should be taken seriously, as they can have a serious effect on one’s cognitive, emotional and even physical abilities.
Medical professionals can perform the appropriate tests to diagnose head injuries and traumatic brain injuries. A few symptoms of a traumatic brain injury can include:
- Changes in appetite
- Confusion
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Disorientation
- Difficulty balancing, communicating or sleeping
- Hearing issues
- Loss of consciousness
- Memory loss
- Mood swings
- Nausea
- Personality changes
- Severe headaches
- Slurred speech
- Vision changes
How severe your symptoms are will vary from person to person. Symptoms will also depend on the extent of damage inflicted on your brain tissue. Often times, symptoms of traumatic brain injuries can hinder your ability to work.

Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis
A traumatic brain injury diagnosis is valid when one or more of the following occur:
- Amnesia follows the injury
- Neurological problems
- Disorientation or confusion
- Neuropsychological problems
- A score of at least 13 on the Glasgow Coma Scale
Common Causes of Traumatic Brain
Sometimes, traumatic brain injuries occur because of the negligence of other parties. The following are a few of the more common causes of traumatic brain injuries:
- Automobile accidents
- 18-wheeler or commercial truck accidents
- Falls
- Construction accidents
- Defective products
- Assaults

Can I Receive Compensation For A Traumatic Brain Injury in Texas?
When you file a lawsuit after suffering a brain injury, you may be able to recoup compensation for both economic and non-economic damages. Members of the victim’s family may also be able to file for losses, unique to each case, including pain and suffering and loss of companionship.
What Damages Can I Recover for a Traumatic Brain Injury in Houston?
- Medical bills: In a traumatic brain injury lawsuit, the victim may claim compensation for any medical bills related to the injury. This includes but is not limited to: doctor’s visits, hospitalization, rehabilitation and occupational therapy.
- Pain and suffering: The victim may be able to pursue monetary damages for any lasting physical or emotional pain associated with the injury.
- Loss of enjoyment: If the injury prevents the victim from participating in activities that they once enjoyed, they may be able to claim compensation.
- Lost wages: Those who’ve suffered from a traumatic brain injury will more than likely miss a substantial amount of time at work. By filing a traumatic brain injury lawsuit, victims may be able to recover lost wages that were a direct result of the brain trauma. If the diagnosis will prevent future earning abilities, they may also be compensated for this, as well.
- Wrongful death: When a traumatic brain injury is fatal, the victim’s family may receive compensation via a wrongful death lawsuit. In these cases, immediate family can pursue compensation for any financial damages, including funeral costs and lost wages, that resulted from the death of their loved one.

How Do I Calculate the Damages of a Traumatic Brain Injury?
The amount of damages you recover will be based on a combination of medical bills and other expenses, as well as wages you may have earned while you are recovering. However, as you can see, there are also potential damages that are more difficult to calculate.
The long term consequences associated with traumatic brain injuries are often extensive. In traumatic brain injury cases, it is highly imperative you have the expertise of a knowledgeable attorney, since your damages will likely be high.
It’s impossible, really, to put a price tag on pain and suffering. For this reason, if you are seeking compensation in a personal injury claim, it is essential that you have an attorney experienced in personal injury. An experienced attorney like Trey Barton can use his personal experience and knowledge to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.
For a free consultation, call 832-916-2526 or fill out the online form today!

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Our experienced Houston personal injury attorneys want to get to know you and understand your unique situation. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation. You don’t pay unless your case is won.
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No Fee Unless You Win
Trey Barton understands the hardships injured people and their loved ones face as they try to heal from their accident. Every case is prepared as if it is going to trial. This gives you the best opportunity to obtain a fair recovery for your case, and ensures I am positioned to take the case to trial if the insurance company does not give you the money you deserve.